The REACH Program

History & Funding Support


Founded in 1992, REACH is based on the principle that through academic rigor, young men will discover their potential and develop self-esteem. It is further believed that academically promising children can be encouraged to reach higher in their aspirations when exposed to the excitement of learning by teachers with whom they can identify. REACH strives to boost the academic achievement of its boys, improve their academic skills and teach them the value of excellence.

University School has always had a commitment to the community and support for the REACH program is a way for the school to give back. University School knows boys’education, and so is positioned well to make a vital difference in the lives of African American males.

Funding Support

The financial support of the University School community has been and continues to be vital for the REACH Program to thrive and grow. REACH was initially jointly funded by University School and the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation. Many other foundations and individuals have generously contributed over the years. In 1999 Peter Lewis gave the school $1,000,000 for the program which was matched by other supporters.

REACH has been supported by generous grants from the following organizations:
Abington Foundation
APCOA Corporation
British Petroleum Corporation
The Britton Fund
The Cleveland Foundation
The East Ohio Gas Company
The Firman Fund
The Ford Motor Company
Forest City Enterprises
The George Gund Foundation
Humphrey Fund
The John Huntington Fund for Education
Key Foundation
Martha Holden Jennings Foundation
McDonald and Company
Peter Lewis Philanthropies
Saloman Smith Barney/Travelers Foundation
The Treu-Mart Fund
The TRW Corporation
The Thomas White Foundation
University School Alumni Association

Thanks to the support of many, the REACH program is thriving at University School and will continue to make a difference in the lives of young men from the Greater Cleveland area. We are proud of REACH and happy to share its success. We are most appreciative to all of the local foundations, corporations, individuals and University School alumni who have been supportive of the program since it began.

Shaker Heights Campus JUNIOR K – GRADE 8

20701 Brantley Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122
Phone: (216) 321-8260

Hunting Valley Campus GRADES 9 – 12

2785 SOM Center Road, Hunting Valley, Ohio 44022
Phone: (216) 831-2200