University School Publications

Matson Added to US Lexicon

From the 2023-24 US Report on Strategic Direction and Philanthropy
by Jonathan E. Bridge, Assistant Head of School for Advancement

Step onto our campuses and you are surrounded by historic names that link the past to the present.
House banners bearing the names of US legends line the dining rooms. The names of hundreds
of student athletes, speaking prize winners, and science fellows cover the walls at both campuses, invoking curiosity about their achievements. And the names adorning our uncommon common areas signify the vested interest those donors have in perpetuating our future.

Already known for the Matson Room at the end of the first floor hall of the Keeler Wing of the Upper School, Dick and Cornelia Matson are among our school’s most generous supporters. Dick is a proud
member of the Class of 1953 who loved every day he spent on the Shaker Campus. He excelled academically; played football, once kicking a famous winter-day winning field goal; and contributed to many aspects of school life. Harvard was a breeze after the challenges of his US education.
Dick went on to become an expert in insurance securities and had his own hedge fund in New York City. After moving on from Wall Street he pursued other passions, which included owning and operating a winery in France with Cornelia. When the Matsons relocated to Sarasota, Florida, their commitment to US grew. Dick and Cornelia were leaders in We Are US campaign ending in 2015 and have served the Annual Fund as regular supporters at the very highest levels. Dick received the Alumni Graduate "Man of the Year" Award in 2020.
When called upon to jumpstart the Middle School project, the Matsons were the first to provide a leadership gift. The campus had been a part of Dick's life for more than 70 years, and he knew and could see what time did to the beloved building. “This is not a nice-to-have,” Dick said about the importance of providing faculty the environment and tools needed to do their best work. “This is an imperative.” The Matsons made an initial commitment of $5 million to the $40 million addition and renovation project. This lead gift provided crucial momentum for US to reach the required funding level of 80% of the costs to begin construction, now well underway.

Dick was pleased to see how well the project was coming to fruition. So much so, that when he heard there was an opportunity to provide an additional gift to name the building, he was all ears.

Therefore, US is pleased to report the new Middle School will now be known as Matson Hall, with the Matson name being added to the legendary figures who have shaped US throughout its history into what it is today. We are grateful that Dick’s enthusiasm for all things US will carry on in the lives of boys for generations to come.

Shaker Heights Campus JUNIOR K – GRADE 8

20701 Brantley Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122
Phone: (216) 321-8260

Hunting Valley Campus GRADES 9 – 12

2785 SOM Center Road, Hunting Valley, Ohio 44022
Phone: (216) 831-2200