Student Life

House System

A House is a Home

The first of its kind at any school in Northeast Ohio, the House system at University School creates a sense of spirit and belonging among the boys and is a vibrant part of the student experience. Each student is assigned to one of ten Houses, which includes boys across all grades. 

Stewardship of the campus is an integral part of the House system. House members take turns caring for common areas, such as the cafeteria. In the process, students learn to be responsible and respectful of their surroundings. Houses also work together during the annual Thanksgiving food drive and other community service projects.

The Houses provide a structure for boys to channel their natural energy and enthusiasm into friendly and spirited competition. Students come up with creative ways to earn points for their houses and compete for the coveted House Cup at the end of the year. Points for athletic contests, reading competitions, and problem-solving tourneys are announced at weekly house assemblies organized by the students.

Founders' Day


Shaker Heights Campus JUNIOR K – GRADE 8

20701 Brantley Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122
Phone: (216) 321-8260

Hunting Valley Campus GRADES 9 – 12

2785 SOM Center Road, Hunting Valley, Ohio 44022
Phone: (216) 831-2200